Westfield Panel: Clean Energy Incentives For All

man installing a heat pump
Wilson Hall at Westfield State University

The Pioneer Valley Library Collaborative [PVLC] and Voices for Climate [V4C]  are pleased to announce the keynote event for Climate Preparedness Week, September 24-30, 2023.  Our Executive Director, Larry Chretien, will join this panel.

It is the goal of this Forum to highlight state and federal incentives for homeowners, renters, businesses, municipalities, and nonprofits to shift to clean energy sources, move away from fossil fuel use and thus assist Massachusetts in the transition to a greener, low-carbon economy.

Clean energy financial incentives for businesses now exist in the form of rebates and tax credits. Likewise, homeowners, renters, nonprofits, and municipalities can reduce long-term energy costs while benefiting, in the short term, from rebates, tax credits and other incentives as they install solar panels, purchase  new or used electric vehicles, buy energy efficient appliances or otherwise reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The Forum is designed to educate the general public on how to access these federal and state tax-based incentives that are available for implementing cleaner means of heating and cooling, transportation, energy efficient appliances, and whole-building energy efficiency.

There will be a reception with light refreshments