About electric vehicles

Are there electric car tax credits or rebates that I can take advantage of?

Yes. There is a federal tax credit of up to $7,500. Massachusetts and Rhode Island both have their own state rebate that can change from time to time. To learn more, click here.

Why is driving an EV better for the environment?

EVs use energy more efficiently, and the sources used to produce electricity are cleaner than burning gasoline. Learn all about EVs and the environment on our Environment page.

What are the emissions impacts of EVs when compared to conventional cars?

EVs substantially reduce emissions per mile driven compared to gas-powered cars. Switching from a gas-powered car to an all-electric vehicle charged on the grid in New England cuts vehicle greenhouse gas emissions by more than three-quarters. In addition, it substantially reduces the localized air pollution that harms people's health. Learn all about emissions on our Environment page.

How do I charge an electric car?

Every electric vehicle has a built-in charging port that is compatible with a regular household outlet -- exactly like charging a smartphone. You can also install faster charging at home or charge at public charging locations. For more information, read our charging pages.

How will charging an electric vehicle affect my electricity bill?

It depends upon how much you drive, but in general your electricity bill will go up by less than your gasoline bill will go down. Learn more about consumer savings here.

What if I run out of power on the road?

Electric cars have accurate range estimators to let you know how many miles you have on the charge. At this point, most electric cars have well over 200 or 300 miles of range, and there is more public charging than most people realize. If you were to run out of charge, you could get a tow to the nearest charging station.

What servicing do these vehicles need?

Electric cars are lower maintenance than gas cars. EVs occasionally need a tire rotation, battery inspection, brake fluid flush, and in- cabin air filter replacement. Overall, you can expect to cut your maintenance and repair costs for your vehicle in half. 

What happens to driving range during the winter?

Range does go down during very cold weather. But there are tips and tricks you can use to minimize range loss. You can learn more about driving an electric vehicle in winter here.

Is it more expensive to insure an electric vehicle?

No, but you can check with your insurance agent to get further assurance.

What is the difference between a BEV, a PHEV, and an HEV?

Learn about BEVs, PHEVs, and HEVs on our What is an EV page!

How are the minerals for electric car batteries sourced?

There is more information on this topic on our blog: greenenergyconsumers.org/cobalt and also here: ev-battery-recycling-fact-sheet.pdf (ucsusa.org)

About The Drive Green Program

What is Drive Green?

Drive Green is an electric vehicle program focused on education and facilitating connections between consumers and dealerships. Use the Electric Car Shopping Tool to get connected with dealers today.

How do I participate?

Use the Electric Vehicle Shopping Tool to find the right electric car for you. if we have a dealer associated with your desired car, fill out the form and get the purchase or lease process started. Once you sign up, the dealers will call you and it is up to you to follow up, ask questions, test drive, and secure the final price with the dealer when you buy or lease.

Why is Green Energy Consumers hosting this EV buyer’s group?

We have based this program on the good work of others in Colorado and Utah. It is our mission to use consumer power to make energy more affordable and sustainable in order to avoid the potential devastating effects of climate change. Electric vehicles are a part of that solution.

We also see this as a natural extension of the “buyers’ group” model we have operated for energy consumers since 1982.

Acknowledgments: Many thanks to Will Toor and Mike Salisbury from the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Tim Prior and Annie Freyschlag from the Electrification Coalition and Drive Electric Northern Colorado, and Kevin Emerson and Clayton Johnson of Utah Clean Energy for blazing the path on electric vehicle group buy programs and for sharing their knowledge and experience with us. Thanks also to Gina Coplon-Newfield of the Sierra Club for her excellent advice.

How did Green Energy Consumers Alliance choose the vehicles and dealers that are in the program?

We focus on cars that are affordable and have good to excellent ranges. We regularly send out invitations to many dealers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Those dealers that offer good prices and commit to providing good service to our referrals are chosen for the program.

Does Drive Green have an end date?

No, we will run the program indefinitely.

Are there any legal disclaimers I should know about?

Yes. Read them HERE.

Have questions about electric vehicles?

We're real people and we're here to help! You can reach us at: drivegreen@greenenergyconsumers.org or 617-397-5199

Join our Drive Green Community Group on Facebook and connect with local expert EV drivers, share EV news, and engage with others interested in electric transportation!